Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12 Updates

The gardens are doing very well this week. Here is Box 4 at 3 weeks. The potatoes are up and about 3 inches high and the corn is in the background.
Here is Box 2 at 5 weeks. That end tomato plant is doing a lot better since I put about 4 inches of soil around its base and then mulched it. The blight seems to be lessening as well. I think I'm going to be in trouble with the cucumbers though...

They are really growing well and I didn't realize they need ladders. We will most likely get over-crowded here pretty soon.

Here is my favorite box: Box 1 at week 6. The Spinach is ready for the first harvest if I want baby spinach- which I do. I know what I'm having for dinner!

Yum Yum. Spinach! The peas are in the background and happily growing up the supports.


  1. I guess I don't have to ask what is for dinner for the next couple of months then. :-)

  2. Come on, I know you like it :)
